Grant Writing

Grant Writing and Grant Opportunities

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Grant Writing

Grant Writing: Nuts and Bolts – A presentation by Dr. Joseph Holland, Assistant Professor, University of Southern Mississippi, for the American Society of Public Administration (ASPA) Professional Development Seminar is at this (Link).  There is also a supporting book written by Cynthia Carr “The Nuts and Bolts of Grant Writing.”  The author  shares her best practices for planning, writing, and winning research grants based on her own experience submitting more than 300 grant proposals and securing millions of dollars in awards.  The book is insightful, innovative, and informative.

Grant Opportunities

Virginia Annual Conference Grant Opportunities. 

For these types of grants, campus ministries would partner with a local church and other groups to provide the necessary structure. There are:

  • Special Program Grants are designed for programs outside of normal conference and local church funding processes. They are intended to provide funding for the first three years of innovative programs of tangible and caring outreach that is beyond a local church’s current financial resources.
  • Sustaining Program Grants designed for programs outside of normal conference and local church funding processes. They are intended to provide funding for the sustaining of innovative programs of tangible and caring outreach that is beyond a local church’s current financial resources. They are for churches of all ethnic groups and should help the church requesting the funding to relate to the ethnic groups within its community.

 The Foundation for Evangelism ( FFE) announced a new pilot grant program designed to impact ministry on college campuses in the United States  Making Disciples on the College Campus…a ministry impacting young people grant provides funding for innovative campus-focused ministry that engages, forms and grows disciples of Jesus Christ on the college campus.

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) works to create disciples of Jesus Christ by offering grants to those who qualify.

Ethnic in-Service Training (EIST) Grant – The United Methodist Church allocates part of the World Communion Sunday offerings to GBHEM for ethnic leadership development. As part of its ongoing mission to nurture United Methodist leaders – both lay and clergy – GBHEM uses those funds to award Ethnic In-Service Training Grants. These grants are awarded in sums up to $10,000 and are given to programs designed to bolster recruitment, training and retention of ethnic persons for leadership positions at every level of the church and its ministry.

Rule 2 Grant Program – The Rule 2 Grant is a GBHEM matching grant that supports collegiate ministry internships designed to further the reach of a collegiate ministry within, or beyond, its campus context. Selected recipients will be awarded a maximum of $3,000 per grant, and these funds must be matched by an equal amount (up to a maximum match of $3,000). Grant funding must be used to support new student internships that create vital leadership with a new program, special event, local church and/or community-based engagement of some kind

Lilly Endowment: (Link) In keeping with the wishes of the three founders, Lilly Endowment exists to support the causes of religion, education and community development. The Endowment affords special emphasis to projects that benefit young people and promote leadership education and financial self-sufficiency in the nonprofit, charitable sector.