Vice Chair

Vice Chair

The Vice-Chair presides in the absence of the Chair and assumes the responsibilities of the Chair when this officer is unable to perform these duties.  The Vice-Chair will also provide leadership and coordination for the evaluative duties of the executive committee, the orientation and training of board members and establishes a nominations team to ensure that all board positions, teams or committees are filled with qualified personnel. (Note: Some boards have the nominations team as a standing committee).

Evaluation Process

There are two levels of evaluation that the Executive Committee should manage. The first level pertains to overall campus ministry effectiveness. The second level pertains to board effectiveness.

  • Campus Ministry Effectiveness involves managing your Strategic Plan and/or Ministry Action Plan. (Link) It also involves presenting and discussing Campus Ministry Reports at board meetings (Link). On an annual basis this involves the District Superintendent’s Annual Evaluation Conference. (Link)
  • A local board effectiveness evaluation is not required by the BHECM, but it is a recommended practice.

Nominations Process

  • Annually prepare a slate of officers, including committee chairs, for election at the May meeting of the board. The list of nominees should have the concurrence of the District Superintendent.
  • Recruitment for board members should be based on talents needed to sustain the campus ministry. Ask potential candidates to complete a board application form to gather information about skills and interests and where they have served previously.  (Example of a Board-Application)  Provide a board job description and invite the candidate to attend a board meeting or to speak with selected board members.
  • Annually recommend new Board members for election at the March meeting of the Board;
  • Nominate for election by the Board replacements for any vacancy occurring in Board offices during the year